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Digital Slide Seminar: 


Prof. Dr Tan Soo Yong / UMMC

Case 1: 

49 year old female, abdominal mass.

Epigastric subcutaneous mass biopsy




Case 2:

58 year old female, fever, loss of weight

Right cervical lymph node




Case 3:

48 year old male, history of tuberculosis  and splenic marginal zone lymphoma, completed R-CHOP (2017) 

i) S 2017-6012-Previous biopsy from spleen (2017) 



ii) S 2018-4166- Axillary lymph node biopsy (May 2018)



iii) S 2018-6763-Enlarging axillary lymph node, lymph node biopsy (August 2018)




Case 4:

32 year old female, left axillary swelling and bilateral breast lump biopsies.




Case 5:

-year-old .




Case 6:

20 year old female, presented with chest pain and cough.

CT shows multiple peripheral lymphadenopathy.

Mediastinal mass core biopsy. 








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