Case 1:
45 years old female
Presented with intermittent abdominal pain – 3 days
Reduced urine output
Exam: Abdomen tender and distended
Hb: 7.1 g/dL
B-hCG: 922,000 mIU/mL
Chest xray: Patchy consolidation of both lungs
CT scan: Pelvic mass of likely uterine origin
History of 2 miscarriages in 1994 and 1995
Case 2:
35 years old female
24 weeks of gestation
Ultrasound found empty sac
B-hCG: 2078 mIU/mL
During evacuation found vesicles
Previous pregnancies were uneventful
Case 3:
36 years old female
15 weeks of gestation
Ultrasound: Snowstorm appearance
B-hCG: 400,000 mIU/mL
Case 4:
25 years old female
8 weeks of gestation
Presented with vaginal bleeding
B-hCG: 185,000
Ultrasound: Snowstorm appearance with no viable fetus
Case 5:
38 years old
18 weeks of gestation
Β-hCG: 34,000 mIU/mL
Gross: A few grape-like vesicles are seen