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Case 1:
55-year-old Chinese female.
Left breast mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy.
Section from a 3cm lobulated tan-coloured tumour at the 10 o'clock position of the left breast.
Case 2:
64-year-old Chinese female.
Radiological 'echo-distortion' in the right breast at 10-12 o'clock.
Core biopsy of the 11-12 o'clock lesion.
Case 3:
59-year-old Malay female.
Past history of right breast cancer status post-mastectomy in 2006.
Currently discovered on radiology to have a cluster of microcalcifications in the left breast
outer central region.
Stereotactic vacuum-assisted biopsy of the left breast microcalcifications performed.
Case 4:
58-year-old Chinese female. Right breast tumour.
Case 5:
67-year-old Chinese woman underwent right mastectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy for an
invasive breast carcinoma with ductal features, diagnosed on prior core biopsy.
Apart from the grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma found in the mastectomy, a separate 0.8cm lesion was found located 0.8cm from the main tumour.
Section is from 0.8cm lesion.
Case 6:
55-year-old female presented with a locally advanced breast tumour with metastasis to the right lung and soft tissue of the lumbar region.