Case 1:
65 years old female, an ex-smoker with underlying hypertension and dyslipidemia.
Presented with Anterior Mediastinal mass. CT-thorax (8/11/2016) : Left sided anterior mediastinal mass (7.5cm x 6.7cm x 6.9cm) with right supraclavicular nodal enlargement and multiple subcentimeter nodes.
Case 2:
63 years old female with underlying hypertension, presented with hemoptysis.
Presented with Anterior chest wall mass.
CT-TA : Mediastinal mass adhering to rib.
Biopsy done under CTS (19/7/2017): Normal musculoskeletal tissue.
Case 2 - HE
Case 2 - CD1a
Case 2 - CD5
Case 2 - CD45
Case 2 - CD117
Case 2 - Chromogranin
Case 2 - CK7
Case 2 - CK20
Case 2 - Ki67
Case 2 - Pan CK AE1/AE3
Case 2 - Synaptophysin
Case 2 - TTF1
Case 3:
63 years old gentleman, a smoker, presented with cough and shortness of breath for 1 month.
CECT thorax: mediastinal mass compressing pulmonary vein, SVC.
Bronchoscopy: Presence of intraluminal mass.
Case 3 - HE
Case 3 - CD3
Case 3 - CD20
Case 3 - CD23
Case 3 - CD30
Case 3 - CD45
Case 3 - CD117
Case 3 - Chromogranin
Case 3 - Ki67
Case 3 - Pan CK AE1/AE3
Case 3 - PLAP
Case 3 - Synaptophysin
Case 4:
AA,26 years old female, presented with fever, shortness of breath upon exertion and non-productive cough 3/12. Sputum AFB negative x3. CXR- large posterior mediastinal mass with pericardial effusion. CECT thorax- huge heterogenous minimally enhancing mediastinal mass. Bilateral pleural effusion, worse on left side with adjacent consolidative changes on the right side. Impression anterior mediastinal mass highly suspicious of lymphoma.
Case 4 - HE
Case 4 - CD3
Case 4 - CD5
Case 4 - CD20
Case 4 - CD45
Case 4 - CD68
Case 4 - MUM1
Case 4 - Pan CK AE1/AE3
Case 4 - PAX5-CD30 Dual
Case 4 - TdT
Case 5:
NSP, 65 years old male, Anterior mediastinal mass, global pericardial effusion with right ventricle compression. Underwent anterior mediastinal mass and left thoracotomy.
Case 5 - HE
Case 5 - CD45
Case 5 - CD56
Case 5 - ChromaA
Case 5 - Cytokeratin 7
Case 5 - Cytokeratin 20
Case 5 - Ki67
Case 5 - MCK
Case 5 - NSE
Case 5 - Synap
Case 5 - TTF1