Case 1:
Clinical history: 36 years old, Para 2+1 with essential hypertension presented with intrauterine death and abruptio placenta at 25 weeks
Case 2:
Clinical history: 27 years old, Para 1 with spontaneous vaginal delivery at 39 weeks, with prolonged rupture of membrane (> 18 hours) with pyrexia.
Case 3:
Clinical history: 36 years old, Para 4 delivered at 33 weeks gestation. She has severe pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction.
Case 4:
Clinical history: 27 years old lady, Para1 with antenatal history of anhydramnios. She delivered a stillbirth baby at 34 weeks.
Case 5:
Clinical history: 35 years old, Para 5 delivered a baby at 33 weeks with intrauterine death and polyhydramnios.
Case 6:
Clinical history: 31 years old, Para 1 with hydrops fetalis at 32 weeks gestation. TORCHES screen negative.