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Lymphoma Network Meeting 2022

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Case 1 - CK AP28/2022 
Presented with intestinal obstruction symptoms, LOW, fever. Noted to have epigastric mass. No palpable LN and hepatosplenomegaly.

1. Epigastric biopsy



Case 2 - TLF 

Presented with altered sensorium, LOW. Noted to have hypercalcemia and right cervical lymphadenopathy.

1. SP-22-3740/2022 ​


2. ​AP0245/2022


3. ​SP-22-10131



Case 3 - EAB 

Presented with altered bowel habit, loose stool, LOA and LOW.

1. Duodenal biopsy


Case 4 - SBO

Presented with anemic symptoms, LOW and intermittent fever. No palpable LN but spleen 10cm.

1. AP26-2022


2. AP284-2022



Case 5 - NF

Presented with anemia, LOW and fever. Noted massive hepatosplenomegaly.

1. Trephine biopsy


Case 6 - CZ

Presented with LOW, LOA, intermittent fever and night sweats. Noted spleen 3cm, well circumscribed nodule over right cheek and multiple excoriation marks on body.

1. Trephine biopsy


Case 7 - WLK

Presented with altered bowel habit with LOW. Clinically cachexic and abdominal distended.

1. Duodenal biopsy



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