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Digital Slide Seminar:


Day 1 (02.15 - 03.45pm)


Dr. Zahrah Tawil

Diagnostic approach to prostate needle biopsy & the evolving Gleason grading system

Case 1:

61/father had PCA.

PSA 23


CT Renal 21/9/15:

Prostatic mass infiltrating the urinary bladder & surrounding perivesicular fat with enlarged lymph node.

Multiple bony sclerotic




Case 2:

71 yo/ UL DM, HPT, lumbar spondylosis

PSA 15.7 (June 2016)




Case 3:

57 yo / refered from H.Sg Buloh.

P/W AUR = drain 1.5L urine

DRE = 80g, benign feeling

No PSA done




Case 4:

62 yo/malay/male

History of nocturia and occasional frequency, no hematuria

PSA 23.42

US showed prostatomegaly

DRE smooth surface, median sulcus felt




Case 5:

72 y/male

 under Urology follow up for BPH with raised PSA

 Diabetes and Hypertension under private clinic follow up.




Case 6:

67 yo, U/L HPT, CKD, ID on antiplatelet.


PSA (21/6/18) = 106

Creat = 342




Case 7:

58 yo, NKMI/NKDA, Machine operator.

  • Referred from KK Jinjang for raised PSA (PSA 10     11.6) in 2014

  • DRE=30g, smooth, firm

  • Incidental finding on routine check up

  • No LUTS/dysuria/haematuria/frequency/nocturia/no LOA/LOW

  • Defaulted f/up in 2014

  • Latest PSA 497 (in 2017)

  • Now    metastatic prostate CA (multiple bone mets)




Case 8:

69 yo, U/L DM

  • Metastatic prostate CA with spinal cord compression

  • Initially presented with LUTS with raised PSA (23) in 2017 but defaulted follow up



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