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Digital Slide Seminar:


Day 2 (11.00 - 12.30pm)


Dr. Rosna Yunus


Case 1:

26 years old Malay man. History of right testicular swelling one month duration. Associated with pain and tenderness. Noted tumour markers raised, AFP, Beta-HCG and LDH. Right orchidectomy performed. Section from testicular tumour.




Case 2:

22 years old Malay man, had right testicular swelling. Tumour markers was not raised. Right orchidectomy performed. Section from tumour.




Case 3:

40 years old Indian male, clinically diagnosed left testicular tumour. Left orchidectomy performed. Section from tumour.




Case 4:

18 years old sabahan male. One month history of right testicular swelling, progressively increase in size. Not associated with pain or tenderness. Right orchidectomy done. Section from tumour.




Case 5:

35 years old male, presented with left scrotal swelling for two month duration. Progressively increase in size , associated with LOA and LOW. Left radical orchidectomy was performed. Section from left testicular tumour.





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