Digital Slide Seminar:
Day 1 (12.30 - 01.15pm)
Dr. Arfahiza Selimin
Frozen section in Gynae Pathology
Case 1:
27 y.o, Malay, nulliparous with huge ovarian mass
Intraoperative :
- Huge right ovarian tumour
- cystic in nature
- FT and uterus : normal
Digital Slide: Case 1 HE
Digital Slide: Case 1 FS-1
Digital Slide: Case 1 FS-2
Digital Slide: Case 1-1
Digital Slide: Case 1-2
Case 2:
21 y.o, Malay, Para 1, LCB : >6 yrs ago
Abdominal distension x 2/52
LOA with significant LOW
- Multilobated right ovarian mass, 15x12cm
- Partly thick septae
- No papillary projection
- Minimal ascites
- Large multiseptated intraabdominal cystic mass likely arising from ovary
Intraoperative :
- Right ovarian mass, 20x15cm
- Capsule intact
- Minimal ascites
CA125, AFP and CEA : Normal limit.
Digital Slide: Case 2
Digital Slide: Case 2 FS-1
Digital Slide: Case 2 FS-2
Digital Slide: Case 2 FS-3
Case 3:
45 y.o, nulliparous
Underlying DM and HPT
Incidental finding of palpable mass about 30 wks size during admission for Rt DFU
- Large well defined pelvic mass, possibly arising from left adnexa, 13.8 x 15.3 x 16cm.
Intraoperative :
- Huge Lt ovarian tumour, twisted x2
CA125 : 46 u/ml, CEA : 4.6 ng/ml, LDH : 626 U/L
Digital Slide: Case 3-1
Digital Slide: Case 3-2
Digital Slide: Case 3 FS-1
Digital Slide: Case 3 FS-2
Case 4:
65 y.o, Malay, Para 4+1
Abdominal mass x 6/12
- A large cystic lesion arising from Rt adnexa, 12.1 x 21.4 x 17.4cm.
- Enhancing thickened septae.
- Impression : Large adnexal mass with suspicious liver lesion.
DifDx : Ovarian serous cystadenoca, ovarian mucinous cystadenoca
Intraoperative :
- Bilateral ovarian tumour, Rt : 15x20cm, twisted x1, cystic.
Lt ovary : 7x7cm, cystic.
- Uetrus, Rt & Lt FT : Normal.
- No deposit.
- Minimal ascites.
CA125 : 77 u/ml, LDH : 249 U/L, CEA and AFP : Normal.
Digital Slide: Case 4-1
Digital Slide: Case 4-2
Digital Slide: Case 4 FS-1
Digital Slide: Case 4 FS-2
Case 5:
51 y.o, Chinese, Para 2
Pipelle sampling : Endometrioid adenocarcinoma, FIGO grade 1
Intraoperative :
- Uterus enlarged, 14 weeks size
- Few enlarged Rt and Lt pelvic LN
- Paraaortic LN : not enlarged
- Ovary & fallopian tube : normal
Case 6:
65 y.o, Para 6+1
Post menopausal bleeding x 1 yr
No abdominal pain
No constitutional symptom
Biopsy: Endometrial ca, FIGO grade 1
Case 7:
33 y.o, Para 2+1
Abdominal swelling x 3/12, increasing in size
Intraoperative :
- Rt ovarian tumour, mixed solid cystic component, 30x25cm
- Intact capsule with hypervascular area overlying the capsule
- Tumour adhered to lateral part of uterus, ruptured during manipulation
- containing chocolate fluid material
Case 8:
43 y.o, Para 2, NKMI
Abdominal mass and distension, progressively increased in size.
CT TAP : Solid and cystic ovarian mass, likely left complex ovarian tumour.
Intraoperative :
- Left ovarian tumour, ruptured during manipulation.
- Containing yellowish fluid.
Case 9:
33 y.o, Nulliparous and obese with primary subfertility for 7 yrs.
Abdominal distension x 6/12, LOW.
History of prolonged irregular per vaginal bleeding with uterine fibroid.
Hysteroscopy : VV : NAD, Cervix : Normal, Midcavity : Polypoidal growth at anterior wall.
Pipelle sampling : Atypical polypoid adenomyoma with suspicious early endometrioid adenocarcinoma.
Intraoperative :
- Enlarged, 14 to 16 weeks size.
- Huge multiloculated ovarian tumour, 40x25cm.
Case 10:
22 y.o, nulliparous.
Abdominal mass with rapid increasing in size.
CT TAP : large lobulated pelvic mass most likely ovarian in origin.
CA125 : 110 u/ml, LDH : 3415 U/L, AFP and CEA : normal limit.
Intraoperative :
- large lobulated right solid ovarian tumour, 21x21x10cm.
- moderate adhesion between ovarian tumour and omentum.
- left ovary : normal.
Case 11:
26 y.o, Nulliparous.
Abdominal distension with abdominal discomfort x 1 yr.
- Huge multiseptated intraabdominal cystic mass likely right ovarian mass.
CA125 : 64 u/ml, AFP and βhCG : normal.
Intraoperative :
- Huge right ovarian tumour, multiseptated, capsule intact.
- minimal ascites.
- left ovary : normal.